Category Archives: Not forgetting …

Prisons: where families, alienation and cults meet up

This is a blog-post of two halves. Guest blogger, David Shubert, joins up with yours truly, Nick Child. David’s ideas on prisons chimed in with mine on connecting up coercive patterns aka Undue Influence. But then I realised I’d have to

Prisons: where families, alienation and cults meet up

This is a blog-post of two halves. Guest blogger, David Shubert, joins up with yours truly, Nick Child. David’s ideas on prisons chimed in with mine on connecting up coercive patterns aka Undue Influence. But then I realised I’d have to

Climbing the mountain: 4. Enduring cases

To do justice to Climbing such a huge mountain as high conflict family separation of all kinds we are taking the the whole thing in sections. After Introduction, Before court, and In court, we’re up to Part 4 (of 9). As usual, this is work

Climbing the mountain: 4. Enduring cases

To do justice to Climbing such a huge mountain as high conflict family separation of all kinds we are taking the the whole thing in sections. After Introduction, Before court, and In court, we’re up to Part 4 (of 9). As usual, this is work

A striking case of alienation by a non-resident parent

Read the interesting personal case story in the Guardian – an unusual Parental Alienation pattern and a good opportunity for us to raise PA awareness. The case is unusual in that the non-resident father seems to have done quite a few dastardly things to

A striking case of alienation by a non-resident parent

Read the interesting personal case story in the Guardian – an unusual Parental Alienation pattern and a good opportunity for us to raise PA awareness. The case is unusual in that the non-resident father seems to have done quite a few dastardly things to

Other alienated groups: 2. ethnic

In his Channel 4 programme: Things We Won’t Say About Race That Are True Trevor Phillips identified a few loosely alienation patterns. These are a relevant way to broaden our alienation experience blog. He shows how good intentions to build an effective multi-ethnic

Other alienated groups: 2. ethnic

In his Channel 4 programme: Things We Won’t Say About Race That Are True Trevor Phillips identified a few loosely alienation patterns. These are a relevant way to broaden our alienation experience blog. He shows how good intentions to build an effective multi-ethnic

Other alienated groups: 1. homeless

Parental Alienation is the most serious hard-end of the alienation spectrum. We reckon it helps to explore that spectrum to engage more people and clarify different meanings.  Soft-end alienation featured at a recent conference on families, homelessness and conflict resolution.  Soft-end alienation

Other alienated groups: 1. homeless

Parental Alienation is the most serious hard-end of the alienation spectrum. We reckon it helps to explore that spectrum to engage more people and clarify different meanings.  Soft-end alienation featured at a recent conference on families, homelessness and conflict resolution.  Soft-end alienation